All the 11 methods are checked by me ... As I said, I hate scams ...

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

11 ways to make real money online!!! I hate scams...All the 11 methods are checked by me ... As I said, I hate scams ...

First you need a Paypal account (for the methods presented by me)

PayPal is the best known and used online payment system. Opening an account is wheat and takes minutes. To open your account, access this link.

* You must be minimum 18 years in order to open a PayPal account.

1. Register Click "Sign Up", select "Your country" from the list, choose the type of account that you want and click "Get Started".

* Account "Personal" is ideal for those who buy online.

* Account "Premier" is ideal for those who buy and sell online.

* Account "Business" is ideal for companies and companies that have online childbirth.

Email address EMAIL ADDRESS

Choose a password PASSWORD

Re-enter password

Re-type password

First name NAME

Last name NAME

Address Line 1

ADDRESS Address Line 2

FURTHER ADDRESS (if not fit on the first line)

City CITY State / Province / Region COUNTRY Postal Code Zip code

Phone number NO. TEL

Card Number NUMBER ON FRONT Card (16 digits)

Expiration Date Date of expiry CARD

CCS Last 3 digits on the back of the card

* If you do not own any cards, cleared "Link my credit card so I can start shopping right away (recommended)"

Click "Agree And Create Account".

2. ACCOUNT VERIFICATION Checking account and verification is done by adding a VISA card. After you add your card, PayPal will charge your card with 1.50 million (the amount you will be returned after verification). This fee is required because the transaction will be accompanied by a 4 digit code will appear in the payment details (look in the account statement). This code must be entered in the PayPal account that the check is complete.

3. WITHDRAWAL / deposit funds

* Money from your PayPal account may be withdrawn only on a VISA. * In your PayPal account can not make money because the payments are made directly from the card.

Ways to make money are placed in order of their profitability ...

1) Adsense

The first step you need to do is to join the Google AdSense, for this click here and follow the steps. Also, before you sign up, it is important to read the article: * What sites are banned in Google Adsense. In Romanian sites are supported by Google AdSense!

Added advantage of Google Adsense through this page is that you can take the practical articles that will help along the way to realize maximum revenue from advertising. Supplemental Adsense ads - is a service of Google - which gives a total trust in payment of the amounts realized from advertising safety and reliability of this service.

Google Adsense is one way relatively easy for owners of small and large sites, to earn money by displaying relevant ads on their website. I am an Adsense user in February 2003 and I thought to share with you my experience for those who need or want to learn some tips that help them increase their revenues.

How Google Adsense?

Google Adsense offers you a large number of formats (size) of advertising - picture, text and more new video format. Inserting ads on the page is very easy. Google Adsense account you specify the type of advertising format and colors are generated by a code that you insert in your pages - you want the ad to be displayed. You can use the same code for any site of yours - do not need to wait for the answer if accepted the second site.

Each time the page was viewed, bot takes information from Google Adsense, and so knows what ads to list. If page is not included in the Google search engine then bot will scan the page to determine what relevant ads to display. Adsense bot can be easily identified in the server logs for that is called: Mediapartners - Google/L.1

How has Google Adsense ads?

Ads are obtained through the Google AdWords program.

Google AdWords is a program that allows those who want to pay to have their ads displayed - to bid for keywords. For example, if the page where you insert Adsense code is an article that contains the keyword "online promotion" - and the one who paid the bid for that word, then could the ad's to appear on your page . Even though there are many steps that runs behind the "scene", display advertising is very fast, and in my opinion, has great accuracy. How much money you earn with Google Adsense?

You get a certain percentage of the amount paid for each click your ad receives, those who paid for the ads.

Even if other sites of public profile that I share split - Google does not, and speculated that varies, but it seems that, even in these circumstances, it seemed to pay generously.

When asked how much money can I make with Adsense, the answer is that there is no limit. I know people who receive checks each month with three zeros (thousands). If you are curious to know how you do it - well it is a secret:) - there are checks with three zeros, but got more than enough to make me interested to use it as a way to make money Adsense. To make money depend on a number of factors: - Number of pages viewed daily unique visitors (over 500 recommended) and the percentage of new visitors daily (advisable to be at least 15-20%); - Theme of the site; - Fixed price at which pays for every click received on advertising; - Number of people who click on ads.

This does not mean that if your page gets only a few hundred visitors a day, you will get less money. In fact, sites that have less traffic can generate good money if the subject site covers a very competitive market. Google issued checks as scheduled given below: Adsense checks for the payment schedule: 1 month (first month): 1 to 30: the accumulation of income Month 2 (two months): First week: sum close in the first month is displayed on My Account> Payment History 15: last day on which can be set to keep the check, change of address for sending check, filling in the "tax information" and typing the PIN for the first month. Last week: check payment details are displayed on My Account> Payment History. Month 3 (three months): - Up to 5 should receive the check if it was sent through Secured Express Delivery check for first month; - Up to 25 should receive the check - that should you have chosen to be sent via Standard Delivery. Issue a check is done only if you have accumulated at least $ 100. If you have accumulated less than $ 100 if the amount is accumulated to the sum of the following month.

Google Adsense I will improve my page rank?

No. Adsense, and generally to grant rank by the Google search engine - are two separate services, but effective site optimization will help you get the most relevant ads and at the same time of the site a better position in the results Search Google.


Each question item is paid with 0.01, and more you get paid to answer questions and correct answers 20 of the right to post a question, paypal payment is made at least 0.05 cents, for those interested in HERE. Payment is instant time set by her ...

3) Neobux

Neobux is the first PTC, which introduced instant payment system and the system of rent referrals. This new concept of PTC has attracted more than 3 million members worldwide, reaching the most popular site of its kind.

What should I do? Should visit ads (ads) for 30 seconds. Ads to find the "View Advertisements" the top site. For each ad you see, and receive 1 cent for each ad that one sees one of your referrals, you get 0.5 cents.

How can I earn money with Neobux? With referalilor course! They can be direct or leased for a period of 30 days. To rent referrals, first you must add funds to "Renting Balance". Where to find "Renting Balance"?

Click on your user name (written in blue top right).

How do I add funds? Click on "Renting Balance" and choose where you want to transfer funds (Main Neobux Balance, PayPal or PayPal). "Main Neobux Balance" refers to the amount you have in your account Neobux. After choosing the source of funds, use the arrow keys to select the amount you want to transfer and click on the image of the box to pay.

How much I need to rent referrals? A referral costs 30 cents. The minimum number of referrals that can be rented is 3 and maximum 100. Referrals are in the form of "packages" of 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100.

How rent referrals?

First they must be available. How do I know when they are available? The "referrals" Neobux account is green.

When and how the money out of Neobux? When it reaches the minimum payment, the "YOUR PAYMENT" will become green and you can request payment. After you have clicked the button and you have confirmed that email is that you subscribed to Alertpay or PayPal, you get money in seconds.

What Autopay?

Autopay is a system that automatically extended expiry date of referalilor active. When Autopay is enabled (On) and one of your referrals click on an ad, 0.9 cents are deducted automatically from the balance to extend the expiry date of that referral to another day.

Click the banner for registration

4) Easy hits 4 you

Easyhits4you, a great program, traffic exchange, to promote your site ... every 1000 page surf earn 50 cents ... the $ 3 you pay by paypal ... it's quite simple ... has a 1:1 ratio, which means surfing every page you visit one in your blog, site ... is the best Traffic Exchange ... Click the banner for registration

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

5) Godfather traffic exchange

Traffic Godfather, has a nice interface and easy to use and adminu Ron is serious and very prompt responses. Here offers:

1.Toti members can find pages with rewards (cash, banners, text ads, etc..) - Members upgrade their higher rewards

2.Exista a site limit of 500 days, sites that promote them will get attention - no one rushes to make thousands of site

3.Luni, Wednesday and Friday there surfing for cash (percentage of revenues) Surf 4.Super Sundays - ratio 1 / 2 to 1 /

4 (win a lifetime membership for 4 credits. Each site viewed)

5.Gangster Trivia - a page that appears while the surf is a picture and a clue, dak recognize character send ticket to answer and you can win up to $ 1

6.Gangster Brainbusters - a page with a question (usually about the TV series - you can look rasp. On google) Answer the same, the ticket - prize to $ 2

7.Comisioane 15% pt. Free Upgraded for up to 30%. any sale

8. PTC $ 0.01 to $ 0.10

9.Cash pt. refi, Lotto and more.

Click the banner for registration...

6) Rainbow Traffic

A certain number of pages to surf receive a bonus of 0.03 - 1 $ payout is at $ 5 through Paypal or Alertpay ... At first it was every day ... surf4cash only now is, when it announces admin. 4 days starting today to make a quiet surf4cash ... 10 $ if you keep these 4 days of work

Looks like Godfather

Click HERE for registration

7) Hit Toad

Like the Godfather, and rainbow traffic ... just as there are bigger bonuses

Click HERE for registration

8) 20dollars2surf

The best surf bar ... pay $ 20 via paypal ... registration very simple, just with your paypal and you will receive um email with a link where you can download bar ve ... Simply let your screen ... should not give you click or are getting confirmation code ... You will be cca100 points per hour ... to have a $ 6600 points ... conversion is made at the end of ... Click the banner for registration

make money

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